Of Wealth, Williams and Waters…
The World woke up to the shocking News on August 13th 2014. The King of Comedy-Robin Williams-
who lit-up smiles in many a countenance of his “global audience” had apparently committed suicide
due to severe depression. For some time now his apparently happy face had masked a heavy heart weighed down
with despair. Well, this was not the first time a rich comedian had contemplated suicide.
Let’s board a time machine and visit the era of English theatres and circuses’. A psychiatrist had a
patient suffering from severe bout of depression. And the wise Doctor’s prescription after examination!
“Go and entertain yourself, by seeing the famous clown Grimaldi performing in the circus in the town today,
his antics are bound make you laugh…you sure would find some relief”. Instantly the patient broke down much
to the astonishment of the mind Doctor. The Doctor could barely hear the patient muttering “Doc, I am Grimaldi”.
Talk of masking the GRIM sentiments even while making people laugh. Honestly, Grimaldi went to a wrong doctor.
He ought to have visited Dr. Jesus, the omnipyschiatrist, ever willing to give ABUNDANT LIFE, WITH EVER-FLOWING JOY OF
(John 4:13-14/
John 10:10/
John 14:16-18/
Galatians 5:22-23-KJV).
A wise soul observed in every individual’s heart there is a God-shaped vacuum that only God can fill.
Jesus essentially came to usher in a Covenant of Grace prophesied even in OT Times
(Jeremiah (31:31-34),
Isaiah (53) and
Ezekiel (36:26)) .
This New Covenant of Grace is not to be misunderstood as hyper grace which some preach to their and their audience’s detriment –
Jude 1:1-7 TLB.
The subtleties’ of this New Covenant of Grace can better be understood when we focus upon it using the following sub-titles…
a) Innocence…
The moment we accept the redemption plan of God in Christ, we are pronounced “innocent” whatever be our background till then
(Col 1:22/
John 3:3)
birthing within us a new life, then and there
(John 1:12).
Simply amazing, one needs to experience it to believe it better. Didn’t somebody say that proof of the pudding is in the eating?
More than anything, guilt brings depression. Once the load of guilt is lifted off the sinners’ shoulder…Bye…Bye…depression.
b) Inclination…
When the Sinner walks off from God’s Court, as it were, pronounced “Not guilty”, the extent of gratitude in a sinner’s heart
to this forgiving God knows no bounds, so much so, out of love alone to begin with and reverential love (in latter stages),
the forgiven sinner feels inclined to obey all of God’s instructions given to him with all his heart, mind, soul and strength
putting to death the desires of the flesh
(Gal 5:16).
c) Individual…
Boy, this is great Salvation operates on one to one basis…just like freedom from the effects’ of venom was to the Israelites
when they individually had to look at the bronze serpent in the Wilderness
(Numbers 21:4-9/
John 3:14-15).
A wife could not look at the serpent on her husband’s behalf and vice-versa. Ditto with the Christian salvation…an
individual cannot experience this Covenant love of God for his loved ones’ and vice-versa.
d) Institution…
Though Salvation under the New Covenant is offered on individual basis, those who are now “covenanted to Christ”
as it were, are part of one spiritual “institution” called the Universal Church. Then again though born-again believers’
are all part of the Global Universal Church, they are all to meet locally in mutually convenient various places to
worship the Lord, care for one another needs (spiritual and physical-they are ONE BODY in Christ) and strengthen one another
in faith under the supervision of God-ordained leaders (Pastors and Deacons –
Acts 14:23/
I Tim 3).
With the Pentecost, the OT Temple gave way to Church and in the place of complicated Priest-hood came a simple structure of Pastors and Deacons in Local Churches
Mind you, the Holy Spirit came upon ordinary praying men on an ordinary Upper room on the Day of Pentecost not on those
donning flashy Priestly attire in a nearby Gold furnished temple
(Acts 2
- I have been to Jerusalem and know how close the Temple and the Upper Room are). Multi-layered hierarchy sprouting anarchy
(conspicuously seen in some “Churches”) was never the Lord’s “Blue-print” for His Church. Sad that even after reformation
(thanks Martin Luther) many are yet to learn lessons from history…with the Lord’s “Blue-print” as regards Church leadership
being still ignored.
If you are a part of lively, healthy local Church where the Lord’s Name is glorified,
is in operation and there is a hunger for souls to be won to His Kingdom, then utter a loud Hallelujah!!!
e) Internal…
No external bodily sign here please
(Leviticus 12:3)
but it’s all about bearing the Sign of Cross on one’s heart
(Gal 2:20,
Gal 6:14-15).
f) Indwell…
Jews under the Sinai Covenant prided in constructing the Temple for God (nothing wrong about it),
where His Holy Presence would dwell…now how’s this for some real humbling…a Christian’s body itself
is a Temple for God in which God’s Holy Spirit lives
(1 Cor 3:16)!!!
g) Intimate…
This Covenant leads’ one into such an intimate Father-Son relationship with the Lord
(Romans 8:15-17)
that “intimation” of the Father’s pleasure or displeasure over a Christian’s action can easily be
discerned by the latter. God forbid, we grieve His Spirit
(Eph 4:30)
but we still do it sometimes is it not…even unconsciously? Whatever be the wrong step, which grieves
the Master’s spirit, a Christian once convicted of the same is well-advised to adopt “stitch a time saves nine policy”
lest a painful chastisement comes his way
(Heb 12:5-13).
Our Lord is very sweet and oh-so- loving but can be very severe with the perpetual offenders.
h) Invigorating…
When the Living waters (it needs to be experienced that’s all –
John 7:37)
are flowing in one’s spirit, if it is not invigorating experience all the way, then what is it? Where is the
question of despair or depression when the springs of joy are unleashed in the innermost core of one’s being?
This is an experience IN Christ borne out of God’s Grace alone, which no riches’ of Hollywood or Bollywood stars’ can buy.
Mind you this invigorating experience begins the moment one receives Christ and starts walking spiritually in the reverential
fear of the Lord
(Acts 9:31-TLB)
and not after some ethereal experiences like speaking in tongues which in themselves are quite edifying.
In conclusion, permit me to pose a question…dear reader, are you already enjoying to the hilt the blessings of the New
Covenant through Christ? If yes, utter a loud Hallelujah and be burdened to bring others’ living outside this blessed
Covenant under the same. There are many who have all the name and fame, which this perishable World can give but still
inwardly are in deep despair, having never tasted the love of God for which their hearts have been made. Let’s pray for
them and as opportunities come our way let’s speak about the Living Waters which the Living Saviour alone can give to them.
Amen and Amen.
Yours in His service,
(Suresh Manoharan)