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Balance…Balance …Balance

First things first. More than worshipping God for the blessings, which He pours into our lives, we need to learn to worship Him, just for what He is! Worshipping Him, awed by His unique attributes is noblest form of worship, for it emanates right from the depths of the heart with no strings attached. Worship in its pristine form is nothing but an unalloyed form of an ethereal romance between the Creator and His favorite creation (Isaiah 62:5, Zephaniah 3:17). In this context, let it be said that the driving force for winning a soul to the Lord ought not to be only the need of saving it from scorching hell-fire but also to acquaint it, with the indescribable heavenly joys’ one is enjoying of walking aright with the Creator.

Ah focusing on one of his many sublime attributes…all along His life on Earth, was not our Saviour the very definition of balance? Be it in caring for both the spiritual and the physical needs of His enraptured audience (Matt 15:32-39) or be it in appreciating or rebuking Peter all in a matter of a few minutes (Matt 16:13-23) when it was needed or be it balancing the Law and Grace when it came to dealing with the adulterous woman (John 8:1-11) or for that matter in giving a balanced riposte on taxes to His critics’ (Mark 12:13-17), , His demeanor oozed transcendent balance.

While there are several sublime qualities in our Saviour realization of which would evoke spontaneous worship, in this message I would like to focus on His singular genius in creating and maintaining oh-so-delicate balance in the natural as well as the spiritual realm.


Life as we know exists on Earth thanks to reverse breathing order of Plant and Animal life which the Almighty in His infinite wisdom instituted at the time of Creation. What plants exhale (created before us so as to set the stage for man to make “a regal entry”- Gen 1:11-27) we inhale and vice-versa.

Similarly in the spiritual realm the good Lord had instituted tithing in order one group supports the other and vice-versa. The Clergy are ordained by the Almighty to spend all their time in seeking messages from the Lord (not allowed to do any business or pursue any secular vocation for their livelihood) in order to pass on the same to the laity for the latter to act upon them (Mal 2:7) thus facilitating accomplishment of Divine Will in the lives of His Chosen people….be it Israel in OT times or their counterparts, we the Church in N.T. Times. The Laity (who are not constrained from taking up any legitimate profession for their livelihood) on their part are commanded to financially support these Divine messengers with their tithes (1/10th of their gross income).

Before anybody points an accusing finger that tithing would require a return to Legalism of Pharisaical times, let it be said that tithing which the Saviour himself mandated (Matt 23:23) anti-dates the Law itself. Do not we see a scene of a wondrous Divine Messenger with a wise instruction approaching the Father of Faith and the latter on receipt of the same, quite spontaneously paying “one-tenth” to the Conveyor of the Message in “gratitude” in the very first act of tithing in the Scriptures and soon acting rightly too as per the message conveyed?

Let’s hit a re-wind button and visit Genesis 14:14-24. Post a stupendous victory of Father Abraham in a war (more of a brave rescue act), we see the emergence of the First-known High Priest of the Scriptures…Mechizedek…with the wise two-fold Divine message to the Victor. Firstly of giving glory to God for his military victories rather than priding on the strength or acumen of his army which has been the bane of a many a misguided Conqueror in human history (Isaiah 37:26-27). Secondly we see the First Priestly messenger reminding Abraham that since His God owned the heaven and earth, there was no need for him to take any of the spoils of the battle, as was the norm of the victors in those times. Quite instinctively, propelled as though by Divine Decree from within, out of gratitude of receiving the Divine instructions, Father Abraham paid a tithe to the First known Biblical Priest!!!

A few minutes later, when Abraham met the king of Sodom, he applied the wise advice given by refusing to take even a thread from the spoils (Gen. 14:22-24) on the ground that it was God - the Possessor of heaven and earth- who had given Him the victory. Right message conveyed through Right channel prompting Right reaction (paying tithes to the messenger) and finally culminating in Right action maintains the “balance” as it were in God’s “scheme of things” (Read His Kingdom- 1 Cor 9:14/ Gal 6:6/ I Tim 5:17).

By the way, I too pay my tithes in my local Church, from the income I get from serving our faithful Lord. While on the subject, let me remind one and all, that while we are obligated to contribute liberally to all different God-ordained Ministries serving Him selflessly around the World, the tithes should uncompromisingly be always paid to our local Church, where we are being spiritually nurtured. It is imperative to get one’s “balance” right on this crucial subject …


Hmmm…what contributes to balance of the human body whilst walking? Well, it is the inner ear. Similarly, in our Christian walk we need to get our “inner ears” (read our spirit) properly tuned, as it were, to the promptings’ of the Holy Spirit especially when it comes to choosing between a “good action” (sometimes even in conformity with the Scripture) and “better one” shown by the Lord’s Spirit.

There we see Paul and Silas forbidden not once but twice by the Spirit of God from venturing on a Missionary journey to Turkish provinces’ of Phrygia, Galatia and Bithynia respectively even whilst being guided by a vision to cross the Aegean sea and go to Macedonia (Acts 16:6-10). Boy was not Missionary intent of Paul and Silas in planning to go above-listed Turkish provinces’ perfectly in conformity with the Scriptural instruction in Matt 28:18? So why did the Spirit of Christ tell something apparently in contradiction with the Words of Christ? Obviously there were already Churches in those areas’ (founded by Jewish residents’ of those places’ who had accepted the Lord on the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem- Acts 2:7-12/ 1 Peter 1:1) at a time the Gospel was yet to reach Macedonia. Father, we praise Thee for seeing the bigger picture at all times and guiding us accordingly!!!

Oh may we have the balanced judgment borne out of the experience of being continuously led by His Spirit (Gal 5:16) and the Word (Psalm 119:105) so that we always end-up “doing the better part” (Luke 10:42) and not anything else!!!


Cross bearing is an indispensable part of a Christian’s life, so that work of molding a person into a Christ-like image which begins at the point of re-generation is completed in all respects (2 Cor 3:18) by the time of Rapture or one’s departure from the Earthly scene.

What is a cross if it is not something “bothersome” which is “touching” my shoulders? Hey, I cannot say that I am bearing the Cross, if it is say a mile away!!! Remember for a Cross (synonymous with pain) to be carried, it necessarily has to be in touch with your being. There lies the key to understanding what Cross-bearing is all about. The surrounding “unavoidable” irksome circumstances, which one cannot get away from…in the place of education/employment/business or pain within the confines of relationships such as a marriage, parenthood, lure of Worldly attractions’ all around or an infirmity in one’s own body… all constitute a cross. Hallelujah, our God is not unfair in calling us to bear the Cross alone without placing the bubbling joy of the Holy Spirit at the same time within us, giving us the needed impetus, so to say, in our Christian sojourn!!! It is in this rarefied “atmospheric” balance of joy inside-pain outside that a Christian’s character gets built.

Ah speaking of atmosphere …gear up to bare your chest for bearing this “punch of truth”. Even as you are reading this message, do you know that your body is soaking up a close to 7 kgs’ per square inch of atmospheric pressure right now? So why doesn’t your body implode? It would, if not for a wondrous internal “blood pressure” from within that is balancing the External “Air” pressure all the time. Hmmm…a natural rope a dope (thanks Rumble in the Jungle)??? Well, well…God in His infinite wisdom who knew that nearly 5 quadrillion tones of air is needed to sustain all of life on earth, also knew that the same life-giving air without being “balanced” by blood pressure from within the living body, can kill it. Boy air-pressure and blood-pressure… one cannot live without the other, because conversely if the air-pressure is withdrawn, the human body would “rupture”, meaning life-sustaining blood (Lev 17:11) would at once ooze out. No wonder, astronauts wear a spacesuit which besides ensuring continuous oxygen supply also ensures that the same atmospheric pressure is exerted constantly on the astronaut’s body (which is so used to it) even in space where there is no air otherwise blood would simply “burst out” of his/hers veins and arteries.

So for Christians’ asking for “Cross” to be withdrawn is a very grievous sin, for it would mean we are asking for the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit also (life-blood of the Spiritual life). The Israelites in the wilderness journey learned this very painful lesson at a terrible cost (Psalm 106:15- KJV). Oh, I pray that none should experience virtually a type of Hell on Earth, which I endured for three months when I petulantly asked my Divine Guide to remove the Cross, some years ago in my Christian pilgrimage. Oh the heights of selfishness which consequently required very excruciating chastisement and cleansing (Mal 3:3)!!! Oh in hindsight, I am better-off after that “spanking” for it led to more spiritual “sparkling”, as all spankings invariably do (Psalm 119:71-72 TLB)!!!

Oh the heights of craftiness of the Evil tempter who can tempt you to run-away from the “temptations” (read Cross) or do away with it at a time the Good Lord in His Sovereign wisdom wants you to endure the same for your own good. Boy, bigger danger came anointed (yet a fugitive then) David’s way not when King Saul almost slew him (1 Sam 23:25-28) but when the former had the blood-thirsty Saul at his mercy not once but twice. Doing away with Saul, at a juncture God’s appointed time for Saul’s death had not yet arrived would have meant flagrant disobedience and losing of communion with the Almighty (2 Sam 24:1-7/ 2 Sam 26:1-12). For David Kingdom of God (constant fellowship with His sweet Lord- Rom 14:17) mattered more than any Earthly Kingdom. Remember also how the Evil Schemer used his agents to “tempt” Jesus to come down from the Cross with an aim to thwart the Divine redemption plan (Luke 23:35-38). For the Son of God fulfilling the Father’s will mattered more than getting even with his contemptuous enemies (John 14:30-31).

Dear Friends, if the Almighty wants His children to be on the Cross, then we need to hang in there just like our Savior did for though it is painful temporarily, it is the safest place to be, being as it is in the very centre of His perfect will. Praise God if people rob you, because at least you are in “robbed category” rather than being in the “robbing class” (thanks Matthew Henry), by same token even if you are crucified, Praise God that you are in the “Crucified group”, than in the “Crucifying genre”. Woe unto the latter group for their punishment is eternal, whilst the suffering of the former class is only temporary. As for all rope- a- dope strategies, you simply cannot beat this one!!!

Hmmm…while air pressure and blood pressure sustain life on Earth, the Cross and the joyous Holy Spirit would not only sustain one’s spiritual life but also transform an individual into Christ likeness. While on the subject, let it be said the All-wise God, who knows how to balance the Air-pressure and Blood Pressure to sustain your physical life, can also be trusted know exactly to know exactly how heavy a cross you can bear given the measure of your faith (Roman 14:3) which enables you to accordingly appropriate the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit (I Cor 10:13). Oh the dynamics of Christian life are well-governed by our dynamic God!!!

We Christians’ won’t rupture at rapture (taken to a rarefied atmosphere, as it were) because at that time, we would be donning a different “Glorified” body (1 Cor 15:50-53)!!! So you see we are not being given glorified body just for the sake of it but for sustaining us, as it were in an altogether new realm even as we would burst out singing His praises in joy. What a meeting it would be! There is no stadium on Earth, which can accommodate so huge and so rapturous a crowd (living and resurrected saints all in new glorified bodies), so the mid-air becomes “one” for hosting the same even as we are given the “garments” (new bodies) fit for the occasion.

So Dear Christian even as you eagerly awaiting the fulfillment of your Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13) in this Earthly pilgrimage welcome the Cross for along with it would come the joyous indwelling Holy Spirit and they together, I reiterate would mold you into the image of the Saviour. Praise God for His Supreme Wisdom for putting this “Balance” in place for there is no other substitute to it, when it comes to making us Christ-like spiritually. Hallelujah!!

Suresh Manoharan
An Unworthy Servant

Ps… All those whose heart the Lord is touching say this Prayer right where you are…”Father, I confess I am a Sinner. Cloth me with Your Priceless Robes of Righteousness which Your Son Jesus Christ has purchased for me in the Cross. Fill my heart with the joy of Your Spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.