With many ears itching
(2 Tim 4:3) to hear only the Gospel of Prosperity, now how many
takers would be there for the Gospel of Adversity and the plain speaking that accompanies it?
In this Good Friday message, Yours truly makes an attempt to take 360 degree view on the subject
of Christ’s and the Christian suffering.
Now it is not an understatement to say that at the Fall, Sin damaged the entire personality of man.
His body, soul and spirit (hey, human being is a trinity –
I Thess 5:23) were deeply “wounded” as a
result of his conscious choice to breach his conscience in the Garden of Eden at the behest of the crafty tempter
(Genesis 3:1-7).
At our physical birth, we the descendents of the Fallen Adam inherit the same “fallen, broken and damaged personality”.
Now the Redemption work of atonement required that all the three parts of the fallen man be set right.
The terrible suffering of our Saviour on the Cross on ALL THE THREE FRONTS ensured that the “complete redemption package
“is in place on the First Good Friday. His terrible physical anguish before and during the Crucifixion
(a horrific death sentence where pain is maximal with death the “pain reliever” arriving oh so slowly) was immeasurable.
The flogging and crowning of his head with “laurel wreath of thorns” only compounded it. Yes we were “sick” from head to toe
(Isaiah 1:6)
hence it required that our Saviour in his atoning work on the cross bleed to death from head to toe.
Now what about his emotional (soul) suffering before and during the Crucifixion? I would caution the readers’ not to be
carried away by some “Christian” paintings which depict Christ praying in a dignified posture in the Garden of
Gethsemane and being crucified with the loin cloth on? Even as the Cross with all its indescribable pain loomed before the
spotless Son of God, so emotionally was he perturbed that he fell prostrate on his face (read the Gospels to know the truth –
Mark 14:35)
sweating blood. Then what about the insults that accompanied Him, all along this ordeal …the spitting and stripping
(Matt 27:27-31)…
the historians tell us that in order to instill uttermost fear of rebelling against their authority,
the Romans ensured that the perpetrator was insulted publicly in toto, by crucifying him stark naked. So virtually
Christ covered the shame brought about by sin
(Genesis 3:7)
by Himself enduring shame on the cross
(Heb 12:2).
Coming to the spiritual suffering, let it be said that when ALL sin came upon His sinless self
(2 Cor 5:21),
He experienced HELL for us in order we do NOT end up there. Nothing more, nothing less and nothing else. Jesus’
only source of comfort in this fiery affliction till then (the Father’s Holy presence) also abandoned Him as
the Holy God whose pure eyes cannot see evil
(Hab 1:13)
could not stay in the presence of despicable sin, hence that heart-rending cry from the cross …”My God, My God
(Note: Not My Father, in the way Christ had along addressed His Father) why have you forsaken me”
(Matt 27:46)
in perfect fulfillment of the prophecy recorded about 1000 years back
(Psalm 22:1).
Was there further sacrificial suffering for the Saviour beyond the Cross? Yes!!!
I intend to focus on that subject towards the end of this message.
Even as the Saviour suffered, what is the Christian’s responsibility towards suffering
(it would be only physical and emotional suffering, for none can take away the constant spiritual
joy in our hearts)? Well, we ought to welcome it
(Philippians 1:29),
like the Apostles’ of the Early Church did, ensuring all along, we are suffering for RIGHT
reasons only
(I Peter 2:20).
Consider this Scripture…”after calling the apostles in, they flogged them and ordered them
not to speak in the name of Jesus, and then released them. So they went on their way from
the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame
for His name”
(Acts 5:40-41).
Imprisoned without a just cause for 4 years, doesn’t Apostle Paul writing to the
Phillippian Church use the words “Rejoice” and “Joy” not less than fifteen times at a
time many in his place would have liberally used words such as “Regret” and “Woe”?
Honestly, it would not be a case of exaggeration, to say Apostle Paul turned the tables
on suffering both virtually and figuratively.
During his imprisonment in Rome, Paul would be “guarded”
(Acts 28:16)
by Roman Soldiers’ in three shifts of eight hours each. Being the passionate evangelist ever
(I Cor 9:19-23),
do you think Paul ever let go a single opportunity to talk about Christ to the Roman
Soldiers …prophesying to them some times, speaking in tongues now and then and even healing
them of their sicknesses’, no wonder he testifies “rejoices”…”For everyone here, including the whole
palace guard (Praetorium) knows that I am in chains because of Christ.” –
Phillippians 1:13 ,
so much so we now wonder… who was the real captive…the Apostle or his captive audience
(read Roman soldiers)? Talk of fish swimming into the net…
Then there is martyrdom
(Heb 11:35-37)…
we need to rejoice at that time too…knowing our “sunset” in this perishable World, would lead to glorious “sunrise”
in the imperishable One besides inspiring many to put their best foot forward for the cause of Christ.
The two reasons why Christians’ suffer are…
Firstly they are part of this sin-accursed World
(Romans 8:22-23)
as such they are not immune to deadly diseases or financial upheavals. Yes, sometimes God spares
them and even cures them of incurable diseases but mostly such “signs” are reserved for unbelievers
(1 Cor 14:22)
to lead them to faith and not necessarily for those who have already been cured of a far deadlier spiritual
disease called sin
(2 Tim 4:20).
Secondly, the World is not IN them. Hey, Christians are like a boat, “it” has to be in water but water (read the World with its wayward priorities)
ought not to enter “it”. So scorn follows as day follows night. People think it strange for instance when we do not laugh at some
of their jokes or walk in their corrupt ways
(1 Peter 4:4).
Hmmm… poor Christians’-the misfits in this World- only blink innocently at sin and do not wink at it!!!
No wonder then, neither Christ (
Luke 9:23
(John 16:33)
nor did the Early Apostles soft-pedal on the issue of suffering
(Acts 14:22),
rather they presented the “Gospel of adversity” with no sugar coating. The other side of the coin,
when it comes to suffering is it deepens our relationship with our Redeemer, even as we cling to Him for strength and comfort.
Therefore it came as no surprise when a great Indian evangelist namely Sadhu Sundar Singh observed “The cross bears those who bear the cross”.
Since the ultimate purpose of our call is to be moulded into Christ-like image
(2 Cor 3:18),
suffering plays the role of a refiner removing the impurities even while instilling Christ-like patience in us
(James 1:2-4).
As Christians, we need to remember that while Salvation
(Romans 10:8-10)
and Rapture into the Promised Land (read Heaven) -
1 Cor 15:51-52-
are the miracles’ of the moment accomplished in a fraction of a second, the growth of a Saint (read sanctification)
on the other hand is a life-long process. Ditto the same with Israelites of Moses’ time…didn’t their departure from
their bondage in Egypt
(Numbers 33:3-4)
and their entry into the Promised Land
(Joshua 3)
take just a day each, whereas their journey of “sanctification” lasted 40 long years? What is a day in 14,
400 days (40 years)…Boy…a mere 0.06%!!!
“Pastor, please pray for the transfer of my colleague in my department” pleaded a Christian Bank Officer
“for this colleague of mine is one big pain in my neck”, he added petulantly. Pastor nodded but did not pray.
A month later “Pastor” groaned the same officer” my thorn in the flesh, my colleague still remains in my department,
if he is not transferred from my department it is OK, but please pray at least that I should get transferred from
that department”. The wise Pastor nodded again but did not pray. In the third month, came the troubled Christian
officer finally with this far-sighted plea “Pastor, I do not know why your prayers’ are not being answered.
If my irksome colleague and I will have to live together, please pray that I should develop Christ-like patience
to tolerate him”. “Hallelujah” exclaimed the Pastor. By the way, Pastor is not the only intermediary for prayers,
we need to pray ourselves too
(James 5:13).
Coming to the crux of the matter, why does the Father want ALL of us to be like His Son
(I John 3:2)?
Is it in order that Heaven is filled with beautiful people like Jesus (one in ten thousand – Song of
Solomon 5:10)?
Nay!!! NONE HAS LOVED THE FATHER THROUGHOUT THE ETERNITY AS THE SON HAS!!! We are going to spend eternity with Him.
We need to love Him like Christ does. Hallelujah!!!
Now do rewards await us in Heaven for suffering patiently in this fallen World, just as the priceless laurel wreath awaits the winner
of a marathon race? Let the Scripture take over at this stage and affirm this truth…
“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.”
What kind of Glory would it be?
Again let the Scripture answer…
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
-I Cor 2:9
I had said whilst focusing on the sufferings of Christ that Jesus’ “humiliation” did not end at the
Cross or for that even after resurrection and ascension. Let me use an illustration which in a minor
way mirrors the greatest sacrifice of our Saviour transcending even the Cross …
A father and his son put up a beautiful bird sanctuary, housing variety of doves spouting feathers of various hues.
Sadly one day these doves turn into crows and in their new ravenous nature start harming and even killing
one another oblivious to repeated appeals of both the father and the son, not to do the same.
The father comes up with an idea to remedy the situation. His son would go amongst the crows as a bird himself,
speaking their language in order they understand him and hopefully mend their ways. Hey from human
perspective would not that be a case of lowering oneself by two notches (stooping below even the mammalian order)?
When Christ condescended to become man, did not He lower himself below his own “second-ranked” created angels
(Psalms 8:34-36/
Heb 2:7)
that are superior to men but inferior to the Almighty
(Job 15:15)?
Now once the son made up his mind to do become “a bird”
(Phillipians 2:5-8),
the father comes up with three realities which would come His son’s way. The son willingly agrees to take them ALL in his stride…
a) The crows may eventually kill him, not giving a hoot to any of his pleas’
to change themselves for better
b) The father by giving a kiss of life, would bring back the son now confined in the bird’s
body to life
c) The son in a bird’s body would then be elevated, exalted and even glorified but
(Rev 5:6-TLB)
THROUGHOUT ETERNITY. His being throughout eternity would be a far cry from a far better state,
he had possessed before incarnation.
Dear Friends, is the enormity of Christ’s sacrifice of coming down in a mere man’s body and being
confined in it for eternity registering in your minds and spirit? His condescention meant, He would forever remain
man albeit in a Glorified body
(Rev 1:12-16).
Consider these Scripture portions (in present tense) penned after Christ’s ascension, which are a “clincher”
as it were, substantiating this “chilling” truth…
For in Christ there is all of God in a HUMAN body –
Col 2:9 (TLB)
That God is on one side and all the people on the other side, and Christ Jesus, himself MAN,
is between them to bring them together-
I Tim 2:5 (TLB)
Now for a subject within the subject. What was the Father’s response to such a submissive, sacrificial obedience?
He made His Son’s Name a Name above all names (including His-
Philippians 2:9).
Boy, if you are wondering where is the role of the third person in the Godhead- Holy Spirit
(oh, He never clamors for attention)- in all these, let it be said that every word that has ever
been written in appreciation of the Almighty’s Grand redemption plan has been inspired By Him…including
this one of Yours truly. Of the perfect unity that exists within the Trinity in using the “redemption plan”
to save the lost, it was said by a ransomed soul “The Father thought it, the Son bought it, the Holy Spirit wrought it, though
Devil fought it, Praise God I got it”.
Coming back to the main track, let me conclude now with a relevant, touching story which goes thus…
There was an orphaned boy living with his grandma when their house caught fire. The grandmother,
trying to get upstairs to rescue the boy, perished in the flames. The boy’s cries for help were finally
answered by a man who climbed an iron drainpipe and came back down with the boy hanging tightly to his neck.
Several weeks later, a public hearing was held to determine who would receive custody of the child. A farmer,
a teacher, and the town’s wealthiest citizen all gave the reasons they felt they should be chosen to give the
boy a home. But as they talked, the lad’s eyes remained focused on the floor. Then a stranger walked to the
front and slowly took his hands from his pockets, revealing severe scars on them. As the crowd gasped,
the boy cried out in recognition. This was the man who had saved his life. His hands had been burned when
he climbed the hot pipe. With a leap the boy threw his arms around the man’s neck and held on for dear life.
The other men silently walked away, leaving the boy and his rescuer alone. Those marred hands had settled the issue.
Even as the Good Friday is around the corner, let us reflect on the truth that Christ’s hands and
legs still retain the scars we inflicted upon Him and respond with a resolution of life-long loyalty
purely out of love for the ONE who has given His ALL to us, COME WHAT MAY!!! WHAT A SAVIOUR!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
Suresh Manoharan
An unworthy servant