Basics of Basileia
“This is one small step for a man, one giant step for mankind.”
These epochal words spoken by Neil Armstrong immediately after planting his foot on the
crusty moon surface still echo in our minds, for they represent a special moment not only
in space history but also in the history of mankind itself. Honestly some centuries ago,
who would have imagined a finite man taking off from earth surface and setting his foot
on a celestial object, which was revered to the point of even worship (sic), by some folks? While,
it is in order to attach so much of importance to the first words spoken on the lunar surface by
the commander of Apollo 11 mission, for they truly represent “making of a history”,
have we ever seriously pondered over with similar awe over the first words of a Visitor from “outer space”
(read third heaven) to our planet, even as He was “launching” a far more significant mission “restore man’s
ruptured relationship with his Creator”?
The words with which the Redeemer launched His ministry ought to be of great import to us….
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near”.
(Matt 4:17/
Mark 1:14),
for they represent beginning of a journey in His ministry,
which would lead to the “orbit” of the Calvary cross, culminating in a glorious resurrection, in effect paving the way for man
to lay his foot not on any object of ordinary “second heaven” (space) but on that of extra-ordinary “third heaven itself”
(II Cor 12:2).
Incidentally, “first heaven” in Biblical parlance means blue overhead sky, which we daily behold.
One needn’t be a Rocket Scientist to decode the fact that the subject-the Kingdom of God- Jesus spoke about as He launched
His Ministry was closest to His heart. Thus from the “abundance” of importance the theme “occupied” in His heart
(Luke 6:45),
He spoke thus. What is this Kingdom of God (Greek word used for Kingdom in the original Greek Scriptures is Baseleia)
Jesus spoke about?
While some may mistake this phrase ‘Kingdom of God’ to be ‘Heaven’ in the afterlife of Christians, some others’ may misunderstand
the same to be ‘the Millennial Rule’ Christ shall establish in future
(Rev 20:4).
In fact contextually the word ‘near’ is a
clincher in properly grasping the meaning of the phrase ‘Kingdom of God’) for neither Heaven nor the Millennial Rule
were anything but near in terms of time & space to His audience when the Saviour spoke these words 2000 years ago.
While dispelling all doubt that Kingdom of God is a distant phenomenon, it underscores the fact
that ‘It’ is as close as man’s own spirit
For taking a 360 degree view of the subject –Baseleia- let’s explore the Scriptures. Nothing quite like interpreting the
Scriptures by using the Scriptures!
Kingdom of God…is righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit declares the Bible in
(Romans 14:17)
the three elements’ together comprise a blessed communion with the Creator akin to Living Waters flowing deep inside one’s spirit
(needs to be personally experienced to know what I am speaking about-
John 7:37-38),
which the First Adam lost on behalf of entire mankind by the first act of disobedience
(Gen 3:1-7)
but which the Final Adam (another name for Jesus-
I Cor 15:45)
came to restore for the human race by virtue of His obedience. This obedience of Christ would mean He dying a most excruciating,
insulting death on the cross as an atonement for all the sins of mankind.
Look at the sequencing of the words in the captioned Scripture portion. In the Bible, it is said a “B” would never come before an “A” for
the order therein is brought forth by its perfect Divine Author. Righteousness another word for right standing with the Almighty
precede the words the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit. First and foremost, only the right relationship with the Almighty would
result in peace and joy of the Holy Spirit entering one’s heart.
Once the right standing with their Creator collapsed, as it were, on sinning our First parents quite naturally hid from their Life –giving Father,
when He came visiting
(Gen 3:8)
like we do even now in avoiding our generous Creditors’ with whom our relationship is ruptured courtesy our own insincerity
in not maintaining the terms’ of agreement on repayment. All the “First ever” Creditor wanted was obedience and they had
fallen short on that score!!!
The Saviour came proclaiming that the key to the restoration of ruptured relationship lay not in man running away from
His Maker but by repenting of his sins’. No patient ever got cured by running away from a doctor but by going to the
physician in full acknowledgment of his sickness. The first step towards regaining the Kingdom lies in having a contrite heart.
One can come to God only on God’s terms. Through several signs in the OT dispensation, our Heavenly Father was pronouncing this truth.
One such was the East-facing entrance of the Tabernacle
(Exodus 36:27),
through which alone would Chosen people (the Jews) of the O.T. era approach Him. No wonder Jesus called Himself the Gate
(John 10:7-9)
and by the utterance of the sixth word on the Cross “It is finished”, He announced the completion of the Divine Redemption
plan in its totality, for it is at the Cross alone that that God’s absolute justice (which demands death for a sinner) and
Fatherly mercy (which longs to forgive a sinner) kiss each other
(Psalm 85:10),so to speak.
There is no other place to go to for reconciliation other than the Cross
(1 Cor 2:2).
Oh how true that it is at the Cross
that one crosses over into the Kingdom.
The mark of this Heavenly citizenship upon an individual is the seal of the Holy Spirit
(Eph 1:13-14)
who comes to indwell every Christian with His trademark peace and joy
(Gal 5:22-23).
Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat (Ignorance of the Law is no excuse). Is there any Citizen of any
Country who would be excused to live as he wants without paying any heed to the Constitution of his Land?
No way!!! Similarly, a person who is now part of God’s Kingdom (living in full, blessed communion with
Creator) needs to know the Almighty’s “constitution”, in order he walks in accordance with it
(Exo 33:13).
Where else can the new citizen find the Divine Constitution other than in the N.T. Canon (Matt-Rev)
and who better to teach the same to him/her the best other than the oh-so-close, indwelling Counselor
(Holy Spirit-
John 14:26/
Gal 5:16/
1 John 2:27).
Amazing isn’t it that our Heavenly Father not only reveals His plans’ for us through His Word but
also places a Divine teacher within us to understand it’s intricacies perfectly. Say Christian have you ever
thanked Him wholeheartedly for the wondrous teacher He has given you. Oh yes, there are human agencies
too like a inspired Pastor and a Teacher who have a role to play in the learning process of a Christian
(Eph 4:11-12)
but none better and greater than the one and only Holy Spirit.
In essence, Commandments’ of the Kingdom are all about loving God and loving one another intensely as can
be evidenced in the Gospels and in the writings’ of five inspired writers’ whose writings’ alone comprise
the NT Canon -
Mark 12:28-34,
Romans 13:10 (read Paul),
1 Peter 4:8,
James 1:27-28,
2 John 1:5,
Jude 1:21.
There is a rare privilege conferred upon the Citizens’ of Lord’s Kingdom. Oh yes, it is the capacity to selflessly obey
the commands of the Kingdom out of sheer love for the Master (agreed we are by nature selfish people).
It is also given to us by the Indwelling Holy Christ. Consider this Scripture portion… “we feel this warm
love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” –
Rom 5:5.
In which Earthly Kingdom would the King Himself give the capacity to His subjects to obey His commands?
However noble, he is he cannot give the capacity to his people too to be as noble as him unless he can indwell them,
which of course is the case in the incredible God-Christian relationship.
Hey, Kingdom of God is not just talking but living by God’s power
(1 Cor 4:20/
James 1:27)!!!
When the community of Citizens of the Kingdom all enjoying communion with the Heavenly Father gather together to
worship the Almighty together and fellowship with one another a Church is born which is the concise form of Heaven on Earth
(James 1:18-ESV)
where God’s will ought to be done as it is in Heaven.
For those who live for the Kingdom selflessly making please God their only priority
(2 Cor 5:9-TLB),
there is a Divine assurance from the Word Himself (another name for Jesus –
John 1:1)
who always keeps His word that “ALL these things will be added to you”
(Matt 6:33).
The word ALL encompasses all our physical, social, emotional and financial needs. Proof of the pudding is in the eating
thereof and after walking with my Saviour for 32 years now and tasting first hand His faithfulness in providing for my needs
I can attest to the veracity of His words enshrined in
Matt 6:33.
Say Christian are you faithfully testifying with love and respect
(I Peter 3:15)
about the Kingdom and its infinite joys’ with ones’ you know
(family members, friends, collegues, partners, co-students etc) and ones’ you come across only once in a while
after building a rapport with them (co-passengers in a long journey)? While every Christian is not called to
preach every one of us is called to witness about Christ’s role in our lives. People who know us intimately needn't
go all the way to the empty tomb in Jerusalem to believe in the Resurrection power of our Lord, for they would witness
the same in our zealous witnessing for Him
(Acts 4:33-ESV)…a la Uma Shankar
(IAS-In Almighty’s Service sic) in Chennai…boy, recently the good Lord inspired me to share my testimony
(what Jesus has done in my life) lovingly and respectfully with even "irksome" "unseen" telemarketers who give a buzz at
unearthly hours. Nothing ought to stop you too from being faithful to your call to be faithful ambassadors of the Kingdom
to which you owe your Eternal life...Hallelujah!!!
Pray tell me in which Earthly Kingdom would a Citizen be elevated to the status of a Co-regent by the King
Himself for faithfully following the commands of the Kingdom. Consider the truthful Scripture which holds these
staggering promises’…
“…we Christians will judge and reward the very angels in heaven.” –
I Cor 6:33 (TLB)
“…they reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”-
Rev 20:4 (TLB)
This without doubt is the highest privilege of being part of the Kingdom.
With promises like these and with the foretaste of Eternity already given to us by the placement of the joyous
Holy Spirit within us, should we not go to any lengths to retain the Kingdom in us as a wise pearl merchant did?
Whilst on a business trip on discovering a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned to purchase it
(Matt 13:45).
Oh yes, we ought to be willing to lay anything worldly at the altar for this incredible spiritual Kingdom sake. Amen!!!
Suresh Manoharan
An Unworthy Servant