The Extra Mile
Now old habits die-hard! Having been an executive in a
Public sector Oil marketing company for 13 years, (before coming into full-time
spiritual service), even today I cannot restrain from reflecting on any extra-ordinary
event involving the Indian oil sector. Recently, sitting beside and
sympathizing with an exasperated ex-colleague trying to pacify an irate
customer, I couldn’t help feeling that
Public sector Oil Marketing companies
(read Indian oil corporation) were dangerously going “extra mile” to sell their
branded “Extra-mile product”! Didn’t understand? Let me explain.
All the Indian Public sector Oil Marketing companies (PSOMCs’) being unable to raise their product
prices’ due to prevalent political compulsions despite continuous upward surge in oil import rates
(mind you, a high percentage of fuel sold in our country is imported) are incurring inevitable
heavy losses’. While the private players like Reliance Petroleum unable to cope up with the mounting
losses have shut shop, the Government-backed PSOMCs’ simply cannot follow suit, for it would lead to
total collapse of the Indian economy! So in order to offset their heavy losses’ at least to some extent,
the PSOMCs’ are trying to sell more of their branded fuels (these fuels are different from ordinary
petrol and diesel, in that they have special additives to “increase” mileage) like Extra-mile in which,
they enjoy a greater profit margin. Only problem to this exercise is that there is a severe public
backlash, every single time these poor Oil marketing companies (Do I still have a soft corner for them?)
in toto start substituting sale of the ordinary fuels with the costlier branded ones’, as my poor
ex-colleague and many manning the responsible positions like him would testify. Now in these days’
of spiraling prices’, who wants to strain his budget more? While on the subject of the branded fuels
like Extra-mile, in their defence it has to be said, that though costly, these fuels contribute to
better functioning of the engine especially in an aging vehicle by cleaning the carbon deposits and
restoring its mileage back to the original optimum level. But oh the prohibitive the cost says the
burdened Indian consumer and…. the debate could rage on endlessly. Time to switch tracks.
Well, Well… there is a mention of “Extra-mile” concept in the context of an effort in the Bible too.
The only difference is that this unique “Extra-mile product” (actually a labour of love, for the Lord)
comes or is at least expected to come to the world through any Christian AT NO EXTRA COST to its recipient!
Now let me come finally to the spiritual realm (high time, some readers might say). Culled from the Sermon
on the Mount are these words of the Saviour “If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry
it two miles.” (Matt 5:41-NLV). Firstly let’s understand the contextual meaning of the words spoken by our
Lord (Note: By the time Jesus’ ministry began, the Jews had been under the Roman rule for nearly 90 years),
before coming to its application in His own life and in our lives too in this modern age.
The Jewish audience, which Jesus was addressing, knew the context in which the Redeemer’s words were spoken.
During the Roman rule in the I century A.D., the Roman soldiers were empowered by the Roman law to even
forcibly (if the situation so demanded) take the assistance of the ordinary citizens of the conquered
nations (under their domain) to carry their military gear for what was then construed to be a mile,
which incidentally Biblical scholars claim was a distance actually measuring less than the present-day metric mile.
Naturally, the citizens of that age resented in extending a helping hand to the soldiers of a foreign country,
which had subjugated them; firstly, for psychological reasons as helping these soldiers would not go down
well with their self-esteem & secondly for the ordinary citizens who were not simply battle-scarred tough
individuals- this was too much of a physical ask!
However Jesus wanted His followers to be different! As someone said “Winners do not do different things,
they do things differently”. Imagine the surprise of a Roman soldier, so accustomed to a typical bitter
response from many a Jew, when he comes across someone willing to go an extra-mile with him carrying the
heavy gear, with a cheerful spirit to boot! Nine times out of ten, wouldn’t that prompt a natural query
from the soldier “Hey, what makes you so different”? Now wouldn’t this spontaneous question, open the
doors for a Christian to share his testimony about following Jesus, with a surprised soldier, who would
now be more than willing to lend an ear? Especially to one with such a helpful disposition? Remember,
sometimes all it takes to win a soul, is a meaningful conversation, triggered by the curiosity of a
truth-seeker. Ask a certain Phillip…
(Acts 8:26-40)!
Fast-forward to 2008 and let’s visit a modern day office. What do we see? A Christian consistently
keeps going an extra-mile in serving his employers’. He never keeps any pending work in his office but
completes them in time, even if it means putting in that much of an extra-effort. Now wouldn’t this
diligence attract the attention of his peers and superiors, prompting a query about the reasons’ behind
his extra-ordinary commitment to work (Col 3:23)?
Now wouldn’t these queries, provide him with an
opportunity to witness about his relationship with the Lord? Oh, there have been so many instances’
of faithful Christians’ at work, leading their colleagues to the saving knowledge of Christ!
Absolutely unique facet about our Lord’s life and ministry was that he did not only practice what he
preached but he also first and foremost PRACTISED AND THEN ONLY PREACHED!
Let’s look at the relevant Scripture portion
Acts 1:1
in support of this observation…‘In my former book
Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do & teach’. Focus on the sequencing of the words;
the word “DO” precedes word “TEACH” right? So, if he has preached about going the extra-mile, it
follows that, he would have gone the Extra-mile himself. Where? Before answering this question,
let it be said our Lord’s life, can be divided into three phases’
- Preparation
- Proclamation
- Passion
In each phase of his life, we see Him, going the Extra-mile
Firstly the
For a moment, let’s allow our imagination to carry us to an arid Judean desert land,
where our Lord was, soon after His baptism
“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil.
For forty days and forty nights he fasted and became very hungry.”
(Matt 4:1-2)
At this point, permit me to bring Adam into the picture for a specific purpose. Has not our
Lord been compared and contrasted with Adam (I Cor 15:22,45/
Romans 5:12-19)? One conspicuous
similarity between them was in both their births no human plan or passion was involved. Well,
both faced temptation, while one succumbed to it the other triumphed over it. Now to reinforce
the Extra-mile factor, I want to for a moment focus on the backdrop of both their temptations.
One look at the settings and the stark difference in the circumstances’ stands pronounced! Adam,
faced the temptation in the most favourable of circumstances and fell… pleasant weather, plenty
of food at hand and surrounded by friendly animals but our Lord? He could have encountered the
tempter at the beginning of the 40-day desert ordeal but NO! In hot sweltering conditions, with
physical strength all but ebbing away, surrounded by wild animals
(Mark 1:13), He took on the
tempter and beat him squarely. Even in His preparation to the Ministry, He went the Extra-mile.
Any doubt on Jesus first practicing, and then only preaching, what he had practiced first? Well,
I do not have any…
Friends, do you want the power, authority and conviction in your life and message, which Jesus possessed in
(Matt 7:28-29)? Then practice a godly living first and then preach! Remember, when a Heavenly
commendation came His way “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy”
(Matt 3:17), Jesus
had not PREACHED A SINGLE SERMON but He was practicing all that, He would preach about later!
I would like to focus on one incident in His active ministry (Proclamation phase), which is all about going
the Extra mile. Lets pick up action from Mark 6:30 onwards leading to a climax in verse 44. We would observe
that after a typically hectic day of preaching, teaching & healing, at a time when his disciples had come
back from a strenuous tour, he simply wanted to “down the curtains” that evening. This can be discerned
from his instructions to his disciples “Let’s get away from the crowds awhile & rest”. But the question
is, would the crowds permit Him that luxury? Or to put it more forthrightly, would His loving heart
permit Him that luxury, especially when so many spiritually starved people were clamoring to be near
Him? So we see in verses 33 & 34, as the needy public thronged Him, what did He do? Did he send a word
through the disciples to the teeming crowds that He had closed the shop for the day, drained as He was
after a hectic day? NO! FAR FROM IT! The Bible says very pertinently that out of a compassionate heart
GOING THE EXTRA MILE “He taught them many things, they needed to know” & then comes the climax of
feeding the thousands with meager resources.
While verses 35-44 talk about the mind-boggling miracle of feeding 5000 men with five loaves of bread &
two fish, I take this opportunity to question, have we ever pondered for a moment at the origins of this
awe-inspiring miracle? Wasn’t this oft-raved about miracle of feeding so many with so few bread & fish
actually only a culmination of a chain of events triggered by something far more significant? Something
so important, that despite it glaring at us, we miss it almost completely. “HAD NOT JESUS GONE THE
EXTRA-MILE” in the first place that evening, exhausted as He was at the end of the day, could this
miracle which we talk about in hushed tones now, ever have taken place? The answer is obvious, isn’t it?
It was His willingness to go that extra-mile that weary evening, which paved the way for this awesome
miracle. Period!
Now look at the turn of events from the disciples’ perspective. Inspired by the example of their Master,
exhausted as they were, they went too about the onerous task of serving food to the big multitude without
an iota of bitterness. In a way, this entire episode is the microcosm of the Church History, isn’t it?
His disciples throughout the ages are diligently in the process of completing the work (reaching out to
spiritually starved millions with the Living Bread), what their selfless Master had started!
In His passion too (the final phase of His ministry in the earthly
body), our Lord went the extra-mile for there were no half-measures about His suffering. Ponder for a
moment… what about the 2 other thieves who were also crucified along with Jesus on that momentous day in
the history of Mankind? Were they also flogged before crucifixion? NO! As such, they did not endure the
accentuating pain of having their battered back, rubbing against the wooden cross. Did thorny crowns
adorn their brow, also? NO, YET AGAIN! Only the Son of God was drinking ‘FULLY’ from the cup of suffering,
in order that God’s name be fully glorified. I reiterate that Adam, the first man had failed God when
surrounded by most pleasant of circumstances, whereas the final Adam was scoring victory for God, in
the most adverse of circumstances!!! It was as though in the great cosmic battle between God & Satan,
the Almighty had challenged the deceiver that the final Adam by virtue of his extra-ordinary levels of
commitment to obedience would more than make-up for all the lapses of the first Adam, who had fallen
when he had everything going for him.
While on the subject of His sacrificial death on the cross, has it ever-occurred to us, why Jesus should lay-up
His body on the altar of atonement at the age of only thirty-three? Could He not have died on the cross at 70
(the prescribed Biblical life-span for a normal man –
Psalm 90:10a)? Very certainly, He wouldn’t have sinned by
then and become unfit to be a blemishless sacrifice? The answer is HE ALLOWED HIMSELF TO DIE AN EXCRUCIATING
suffering our Lord went the Extra mile!!! If this does not motivate us to go the extra mile for Him, then
nothing else will!
Oh let us not lose the privilege of going the “extra-mile” for him in several areas of our spiritual life even at a
time when our rational intellect wills us to the contrary. Take the case of dealing with a constant offender, be it
in family circles or elsewhere. Jesus would always want us to go the extra-mile in giving this offender one more
chance with a hope of winning his soul. Are there not enough examples in this world of constantly forgiving Christians
winning souls for the Lord by virtue of their forgiving disposition? Would that have been possible but for they
going the “extra-mile” in this sphere of forgiveness? Or for that matter, take the issue of generosity. How often the
Lord’s spirit gently challenges to stretch our financial resources to the limit when it comes to helping a friend in
financial need. Do we cheerfully go the extra-mile like that much commended poor widow giving “her all” to the temple
(Luke 21:1-4) or do we go about our Christian charity with a grudging heart?
The ‘extra-mile’ principle can be applied to matters of personal integrity also, besides several other areas’ of
Christian life (e.g.…taking up personal evangelism or helping Christian missionaries financially).
One small act of going the extra-mile may actually trigger a chain reaction with we ending up doing something
memorable of lasting value to the Lord. Had Phillip complained about walking beside a chariot on a hot afternoon
in the desert road of all roads, would there be a Church in Ethiopia today?
In conclusion, I can almost see our Lord smiling at us & saying “My true disciples through the ages have been
going the extra-mile in their service to me in the same way I went the “extra mile” for my Father’s glory –
wouldn’t you do the same for me? “ Well, the choice as always is ours!!!
(Suresh Manoharan)