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Confronted with the choice of choosing between “Allah and Abba (the Christian equivalent of a loving Heavenly Father- Mark 14:36)”, a Pakistani Muslim Lady namely Bilquis Sheikh in acute depression (owing to failure of her marriage) some decades ago after receiving proper counselling from a devout Christian nurse “Dared to address Him (the Almighty) as her Father” for the first time... one pivotal night. That precise moment she walked straight into the loving embrace of her Heavenly Father much in the manner of a little girl jumping straight into the arms of a Doting Dad returning from office. Oh yes, at that point she bade goodbye to her depression what with the joy of the Holy Spirit filling her heart instantly. Where the Heavenly Father is, there is abundant joy (Psalm 16:11).

Her soul-stirring biography “I dared to call Him Father” has spiritually refreshed many a spiritual sojourner (including Yours Truly) trekking his way to the Heavenly City.

A discerning Bible student on careful scrutiny of the Scriptures would discover that not until Jesus the Saviour starts addressing the Almighty as the Heavenly Father in NT (the Greek word Pater meaning Father is repeated scores of times in NT...about 200 times) is the word “Father” used so extensively in connection with the Almighty-Devotee relationship. In all of OT Section the word Father to describe God is used only a few times (all of 15 times say the Biblical Scholars). At this point, it would be no exaggeration to say that the Saviour by His advent had virtually redefined the God-Man relationship.

In this message, Yours Truly is inspired to bring out the different dimensions in the Divine Father-Child relationship...


In the same way, our Earthly Fathers’ play a role in bringing us to life, our Heavenly Father too through His revitalizing Spirit gives us a brand new life supernaturally (John 1:12-13) the moment we place our trust in the redemption work completed by the Saviour on the Cross to save us from our sins.

In fact, the Greek word used for “seed” in 1 John 3:9 in the matter of a Christian’s “Sonship” and his new-found inclination toward “holiness” is “Sperma”....the root word for “Sperm” in English. In this message, Yours Truly is inspired to share different dimensions of “the spiritual Father-Child relationship”, which is so central to Christian life.


An Earthly Father’s features (facial and emotional) are bound to be reflected in his offspring (eg...Adam and Seth- Gen 5:3). Ditto with a new Christian...if holiness is intrinsic to our Heavenly Father, His children too would reflect holiness (Eph 5:1)... which is all about being “separate” from the World (2 Cor 6:17-18). Here “separation” doesn’t mean “isolation” in the manner of Saffron-clad Sadhus’ confining themselves to snow-clad Himalayas’. However, it is all about not being tainted by the carnal World (James 1:27), even while living in it.

Ps...While the above pics are used to illustrate only a point, the fact remains that Yours Truly turned his back to the Movie-world in 1983 as he found greater fulfilling joy in walking with the Lord than in anything else...


No earthly father would allow any danger to befall his beloved children. Our Heavenly Father too would guard us under His protective wings (John 6:39/ John 10:28-29) whatever be the enticement of the flesh, World or the Devil. Power is always granted from within to triumph over the inevitable spiritual dangers without (1 John 4:4).


Which Earthly Father doesn’t delight in giving the best of the materially useful things to his children? Our Heavenly Father too doesn’t retract from giving His best to us in order we have a perfectly fulfilling life (Matt 6:33, Matt 7:11/ I Tim 6:17). With the perpetual joy of the Holy Spirit which He places us in our heart at the point of regeneration, every human activity even the mundane ones’ would now seem enjoyable. Yes, thanks to Jesus redemptive Work on the Cross, today God’s children enjoy an “abundant life” (John 10:10)!!!


Good and responsible children never take undue advantage of their Earthly Father’s overflowing love. Likewise the best prop in our spiritual life would be of maintaining proper balance between “intimacy” and “intimidation” in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Rather being “intimidated” like a slave in the Master’s presence, a Christian ought to come into the presence of the Heavenly Father joyously calling Him “Abba” (Aramaic equivalent of Daddy). By the same token the reverential fear of the Lord never ought to take the backseat in our lives, lest we slip into a perilous zone fitting the phrase “familiarity breeds contempt” (Heb 10:31). The wonderful balance between “intimidation” and “intimacy” is best illustrated in Acts 9:31 which reads thus...

“...The believers learned how to walk in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.” (TLB)

Amazing is the related fact that it is the indwelling Holy Spirit who is the source behind both the comfort and reverential fear of the Lord (Isa 11:2). Hallelujah!!!


Our Earthly Fathers’ crave love of their offspring. Our Heavenly Father too craves for our love. In fact, He wants us to grow into the image of His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ who has loved Him immeasurably right from Eternity. Christ’s love for the Father was best manifested in the matter of his implicit obedience...even if it meant taking indescribable suffering in his stride (John 14:30-31). With same Spirit of Christ indwelling us (Gal 4:6), it wouldn’t be beyond us to replicate the Saviour’s deeds especially in the realm of loving obedience to our Heavenly Father (Heb 5:8), come what may!!!


While many of the wise Earthly Fathers’ rear up their children keeping long-term, permanent benefits of their children in their perspective, some myopic ones’ pamper their children beyond a point, in fact “harming” them in the process. Our infinitely wise Heavenly Father who always keeps our long-term benefits in view brings us up suitably...even if it means a giving a timely rap on the knuckles, as it were, when His children are not doing what they ought to do (Heb 12:5-11). Oh yes, He also doesn’t shun from exposing His children to some hardships periodically whereby they keep “growing” developing Christ-like character in the process (Romans 5:3-4/ James 1:2-4). Hmmmm...no pain...no gain (sic)!!!


If all good Earthly Fathers’ promise to give a rosy future to their children and work sincerely towards the same, then what about our Heavenly Father? Let Scripture take over at this stage...

And now that we are Christ’s we are the true descendants of Abraham, and all of God’s promises to him belong to us- Gal 3:29

Did the Lord fulfil all His promises given to Father Abraham and his descendents in the past? Let the Scripture answer...

“So in this way the Lord gave to Israel all the land he had promised to their ancestors, and they went in and conquered it and lived there. And the Lord gave them peace, just as he had promised, and no one could stand against them; the Lord helped them destroy all their enemies. Every good thing the Lord had promised them came true.”- Joshua 21:43-45

Wouldn’t our unchanging Heavenly Father (Psalm 102:27) keep His promises to us Christians the spiritual descendents of Father Abraham including one of ushering us into the Heavenly City with its ethereal mansions??? He would...Hallelujah and Amen (John 14:2-3/ 1 Cor 2:9/ Heb 11:10)!!! What a Heavenly Father, we have!! What a wonderful Heavenly Father, we have!!! Amen and Amen.


In conclusion, let me the state that more than prospect of owning the Heavenly property which would be given to us by our Heavenly Father as per His promise (which is not wrong in itself- Romans 8:18), what ought to propel us to give our very best to our Heavenly Father in terms of implicit, loving obedience at all times is His infinite goodness.

He is good all the time. All the time He is good having our best interests in His heart (Exo 33:19). Never forget, our love for Him comes (from our side...love is synonymous with obedience- 2 John 1:6 KJV) because He loved us first (John 4:19) while we were yet His enemies (Rom 5:8-10). Boy, Gospel is the only story where the hero dies for the villain in order the latter (villain)is guaranteed a glorious future!!!

By the way, have you ever thanked and praised Your Heavenly Father for the Earthly Father, He in His Sovereign wisdom selected for you (I Thess 5:18)? Hey, none of us can select our Earthly Dads!!!


Suresh Manoharan
An Unworthy Servant

Ps… All those whose heart the Lord is touching say this Prayer right where you are…”Father, I confess I am a Sinner. Cloth me with Your Priceless Robes of Righteousness which Your Son Jesus Christ has purchased for me in the Cross. Fill my heart with the joy of Your Spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.