In more than three decades of my Christian life, I have been blest by 2 types of Daily devos'
(matter not exceeding 500 words) in universal Christian literature. Not only those Devos'
which have a different theme everyday but also the ones which revolve around a certain
theme over a period of time, say a fortnight, have richly edified me. In fact, both
styles have their own inherent advantages. If the former style caters to the varying
spiritual needs of a christian from day-to-day, the latter aims 'to ground'
a child of God in a certain subject in order he derives the full benefits of the
deep insightful study of a certain topic, spread over a fixed span of time.
In my Daily devo page, I have consciously tried to go in for 'a blend of both the
styles' whereby within a constant theme, I would be aiming to focus on different
facets of it which admittedly is a closer imitation of the 'Constant theme' style
than the 'Varying topics' one.
Having dwelt on the topics
- “The Christian journey”
- “ The Conquest of Canaan” and the
- “Lent season”.
in the previous months, now in the months of April and May, considering that
post resurrection of Christ (one of our concluding themes’ you would remember
in the meditations of March, was Resurrection), birth of the Church was a
landmark event in Biblical history, I want to cast the spotlight on the Book of
Acts (which records the birth and growth of the Church). This would ensure to a large
extent continuity of thought albeit under the ambit of new subject.
Once again, let me wish you a happy and an edifying read…
Suresh Manoharan
38th Lent Day
The Ascension
“During the forty days after his crucifixion, he appeared to the apostles from
time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. And he talked
to them about the Kingdom of God.” - Acts 1:3
“After saying this, he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they
could no longer see him. As they strained to see him rising into heaven, two white-robed
men suddenly stood among them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why are you standing here
staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will
return from heaven in the same way you saw him go”
– Acts 1:9-11
Today in our study of the Book of Acts, we come to yet another
important event post-resurrection…that of Jesus’ ascension. Before the ethereal
ascension, the Bible states that Jesus’ appeared to his disciples many a time
reassuring them and even once restoring them to their calling (Wonder of wonders,
Peter and co, contemplated going back to their fishing trade-
John 21:1-22!!!).
In his on and off appearances before ascension, Jesus in His glorified resurrected
body simply kept “appearing and disappearing”
(Luke 24:26,
John 20:26), as per the
need of the hour but when it came to His final disappearance from the disciples’,
Bible states in the above-captioned portion that HE ROSE INTO THE SKIES. Ever
wondered why? Jesus could have simply disappeared from the presence of His disciples’
as he had done many times before, rather than dramatically disappearing by rising
into the skies?
One reason, Jesus’ disappeared by rising into the skies, was to conclusively
convey a message to His disciples’ that in physical form, they wouldn’t see Him
again. Yes, He would indwell them in the form of Holy Spirit but never again,
would He appear to them in bodily form. The second reason was to reassure all
His followers (including us) as the angels testified that He would return in the
same way, He left…in the clouds…in line with the prophecy recorded in
Matt 24:30.
Are we keenly awaiting His return?
Lord Jesus’, we believe you are coming back soon, once and for all to deliver
the groaning creation suffering under the weight of sin. COME LORD JESUS TO REIGN. AMEN AND AMEN.