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For accessing rich treasures in His Word and for edification

  In more than three decades of my Christian life, I have been blest by 2 types of Daily devos' (matter not exceeding 500 words) in universal Christian literature. Not only those Devos' which have a different theme everyday but also the ones which revolve around a certain theme over a period of time, say a fortnight, have richly edified me. In fact, both styles have their own inherent advantages. If the former style caters to the varying spiritual needs of a christian from day-to-day, the latter aims 'to ground' a child of God in a certain subject in order he derives the full benefits of the deep insightful study of a certain topic, spread over a fixed span of time.

In my Daily devo page, I have consciously tried to go in for 'a blend of both the styles' whereby within a constant theme, I would be aiming to focus on different facets of it which admittedly is a closer imitation of the 'Constant theme' style than the 'Varying topics' one.

As the month of December coincides with the Christmas season, in this month I intend to dwell exclusively on all the topics revolving around Christmas using the visit of the Wise man described in Matthew 2 as the base.

Let me wish you a happy and an edifying read… oh yes-MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF US!

Suresh Manoharan

December 30th

An exciting experience to share…

‘And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route’ - Matt 2:12
  How excited are the astronauts’, when they come back to planet Earth, after their thrilling cosmic journey! It would take a long time for the exhilaration to ‘wear off’. Many years on, they would still be talking to their friends about their ‘one-off journey’.

From the ‘launch’ (they saw a ‘Special star’ in their land –verse 2) till the ‘touchdown’ (they reached their land safely –verse 12), the journey of the Wise men to and from the Land of Israel was no less exciting. The piece-de-resistance of their entire journey was, of course, seeing the Creator himself in human form. For a moment, if we put ourselves in their privileged place, we too would have doubtless spontaneously worshipped the young Messiah much in the manner they did –prostrating with their flowing robes and all (Matt 2:10-11).

Even in their journey back, there was that ‘divine guidance’ to lead them safely away from the grasp of wicked King Herod. What would they have done on reaching their destination? They would have, quite spontaneously, talked enthusiastically about their incomparable journey with their ilk ‘till the cows came home’.

What about us ‘who have met the Savior in spirit’ redeemed by His powerful love? Can our response be anything different? Is it like that of the apostles who testified fearlessly and zealously before the vindictive Jewish clergy, after they beheld excitedly the Risen Lord?

“For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard. (Acts 4:20)


Father, more than anything else, in our work of being ‘Fishers of men’ let people be touched and convicted by the love and zeal, we have for Thee. People cannot mistake that which flows so copiously from deep within our spirits as something cosmetic. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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