In more than three decades of my Christian life, I have been blest by 2 types of Daily devos'
(matter not exceeding 500 words) in universal Christian literature. Not only those Devos'
which have a different theme everyday but also the ones which revolve around a certain
theme over a period of time, say a fortnight, have richly edified me. In fact, both
styles have their own inherent advantages. If the former style caters to the varying
spiritual needs of a christian from day-to-day, the latter aims 'to ground'
a child of God in a certain subject in order he derives the full benefits of the
deep insightful study of a certain topic, spread over a fixed span of time.
In my Daily devo page, I have consciously tried to go in for 'a blend of both the
styles' whereby within a constant theme, I would be aiming to focus on different
facets of it which admittedly is a closer imitation of the 'Constant theme' style
than the 'Varying topics' one.
Having dwelt on the topic of Christian journey and the “Conquest of Canaan”
in the previous months, now in the month of March, considering that
we are in the season of Lent, I intend to focus on the subject- “Lent season”.
Once again, let me wish you a happy and an edifying read…
Suresh Manoharan
22nd Lent Day
The role of “minnows”
Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus.
Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jews.
With Pilate's permission, he came and took the body away. He was accompanied by
Nicodemus, …it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby,
they laid Jesus there. -
John 19:38-42
If in the Bible the spiritual giants like Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel represent
the whales, then the less prominent souls like Caleb (Caleb was the only man other than Joshua
in the original lot that left Egypt in search of the Promised Land to eventually enter the Land
of Milk and Honey -
Joshua 13:6-12), Jonanthan (Saul’s elder son who loved David with true agape love,
though he knew David would sit on the very throne to which he had natural
claim –
I Sam 23:16-18), Simon of Cyrene (who carried Jesus’ cross for some distance on Good
Friday - Matt 27:32) and Joseph of Arimathea are symbolic of the minnows, who ALSO SERVED the
Lord in their own capacity faraway from any limelight.
After Jesus’ atoning death on the cross, who took the responsibility of burying his body?
Not the limelight seeking Peter or any of the other disciples, no not even the brothers or
relatives of our Lord but a rich (no, not all rich people have skewed priorities) Joseph of
Arimathea, who till then had been the “secret” disciple of the Lord. What more, he laid Jesus’
body in the tomb, he had hewn for himself, again in fulfillment of yet another prophecy
“ He was put in a rich man’s grave.”
Isaiah 53:9
To help him came yet another “minnow” namely Nicodemus, who despite his affiliation
with the Pharisees (who opposed Jesus tooth and nail) bravely identified himself with
the Lord
(John 7:47-52).
Then what about all those laboured along with Apostle Paul (the greatest on planet earth,
other than Christ!)? Paul makes a specific mention of several of his friends, who have
contributed to his Ministry in
Romans Chapter 16, because he knew without the good Lord
using them to help him, he wouldn’t have been so effective in his Ministry.
Friend, if you are sincerely serving the Lord, far away from any public gaze, be
encouraged for the Lord values your work. HE IS AS MUCH THE LOVER OF
Father in heaven, wherever we are placed, whatever be our popularity,
enable us to serve you sincerely without ever craving for limelight. In Jesus’ name. Amen.