In more than three decades of my Christian life, I have been blest by 2 types of Daily devos'
(matter not exceeding 500 words) in universal Christian literature. Not only those Devos'
which have a different theme everyday but also the ones which revolve around a certain
theme over a period of time, say a fortnight, have richly edified me. In fact, both
styles have their own inherent advantages. If the former style caters to the varying
spiritual needs of a christian from day-to-day, the latter aims 'to ground'
a child of God in a certain subject in order he derives the full benefits of the
deep insightful study of a certain topic, spread over a fixed span of time.
In my Daily devo page, I have consciously tried to go in for 'a blend of both the
styles' whereby within a constant theme, I would be aiming to focus on different
facets of it which admittedly is a closer imitation of the 'Constant theme' style
than the 'Varying topics' one.
Having dwelt on the topics
- “The Christian journey”
- “ The Conquest of Canaan” and the
- “Lent season”.
in the previous months, now in the months of April and May, considering that
post resurrection of Christ (one of our concluding themes’ you would remember
in the meditations of March, was Resurrection), birth of the Church was a
landmark event in Biblical history, I want to cast the spotlight on the Book of
Acts (which records the birth and growth of the Church). This would ensure to a large
extent continuity of thought albeit under the ambit of new subject.
Once again, let me wish you a happy and an edifying read…
Suresh Manoharan
May 17th
God-the Alpha and Omega
Finally, they returned by ship to Antioch of Syria, where their journey had begun.
The believers there had entrusted them to the grace of God to do the work they had now completed.
Upon arriving in Antioch, they called the church together and reported everything God had done through
them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles, too-
- Acts 14:26-27
If God is the beginning and the end of Redemptive human history
(Rev 21:6),
then it follows that He ought to be at the beginning and end of all
our assignments also undertaken for His glory. In the previous days, we had looked at
what events preceded the beginning of Apostle Paul’s First missionary
Journey along with Barnabas. Worship, fasting and prayer all aimed at
glorifying God constituted their launch pad before the “take-off” from Antioch,
no wonder then after “a smooth landing” back at Antioch, there they were glorifying God
with their God-honoring report before their sponsoring Church, calling no
attention to themselves in any way but giving ALL CREDIT TO HIM, THROUGH WHOSE
(Philippians 4:13)!
Dear Friends, remember the fact that “Christian ministry is not our responsibility,
rather it is a response to His ability”
(John 15:6).
We can accomplish anything of note
only by His inspiration and enablement. All glory to Him! HALLELUJAH!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, we once and praise Thee for not only laying a burden for a
task but also but for equipping us with Thy resources to complete the task successfully for
Thy glory. AMEN.